Access Your Dream Opportunities- Find the Super Hero Within
Business Motivation
Despite being diagnosed with a life-threatening heart condition, losing her husband and a major car accident, Naomi shares how each of us have a mountain to climb, valleys to cross, and rivers to wade through, to access the profound dreams of our youth.
During this engaging and inspiring session, you will:
Identify your lifelong dream.
Acquire 3 fail-proof tools to make your own transformational "Brave Heart Shift".
Imagine your own equally intoxicating dream journeys you can take.
Discover your own life-defining life lessons from the Super Hero within and transform them into catalysts for life-size action to finally pursue unfulfilled dreams that were sitting on the shelf.Despite being diagnosed with a life-threatening heart condition, losing her husband and a major car accident, Naomi shares how each of us have a mountain to climb, valleys to cross, and rivers to wade through, to access the profound dreams of our youth.
During this engaging and inspiring session, you will:
Key Takeaways
During this engaging and inspiring session, you will:
Rally Your Resilience- Put the Dream Squashers on Ice
Change Management
In life so many opportunities for success and for failure teach valuable lessons that enable you to Rally Your Resilience and put those dream squasher on ice.
"Focus has been the biggest move forward in my speaking around the world, on purpose, with a clear message. "Letting Go" of what was not working, I engage with all my resources and training to create purposeful inspiration to teach that climbing over obstacles will create personal success in our world."
Key Takeaways
During this focused and inspiring session, eWN women (and men):
*Identify your lifelong dream and how change will catapult you ahead
*Acquire three fail-proof tools you can access to make your own transformational Brave Heart Shift.
*Share in physical, mental and/or emotional barrier breakthroughs that are equally intoxicating and relevant to men and women in the western world. *Find the leadership inspiration that nudges and points you to focus on your priorities.
Your Were Born Brave- Strive as if You are Fighting for Your Life
You Were Born Brave!
When you were born, you fought for your life by moving through the birth canal. How do you become a Woman on a Mission that changes the world? My "third" life at age 61 I became an Adventure Mountain Climber. At age 64 I have climbed 69 mountains, some of them multiple times.
Your life is one brave step after another because of the relationships you built and will build in the future.
Brave Leaders are born. Brave women learn skills daily. When Brave men and women realize the Right Resources and Tenaciously Train to focus on relationship building, change is effortless and leaders strive at the highest level, as if they are fighting for their live.
Women relate to childbirth (aunties, moms, grandmas, daughters), challenges of the teen years and becoming a woman on a mission.
Naomi (the healthiest adult congenital heart patient in North America) shares how she fainted on mountain #54 where 1) She Had to Get UP; 2) She Had to Get UP Slowly; 3) She Had to evaluate consequences Upfront.
The Heart of an Entrepreneur-The Heart that Lives to Give
How can you be vulnerable and powerful while walking through valleys on the way to your dream mountaintop? 3 step TEA strategy creates amazing results.
Key Takeaways
Tell Stories, Encourage Action and
Always find the Positive!